As a volunteer group, fundraising is something that we have to think about constantly. Although we receive strong support from HRM via HRTA (Halifax Regional Trails Association) as well as the province, we are always looking for funding opportunities. Also if you know if you know of a funding opportunity that may apply to us, please send us an email with the details at 


We are a non-profit group and also have a “registered charity” status. This means a tax receipt can be issued for donations over $20.

CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP:  If you are a business and are interested in corporate sponsorship of our work,  we would be happy to talk to you. Please contact us at

INDIVIDUAL DONATIONS:  Are gratefully accepted and can be made via e-Transfer to or via cheque (made out to Friends of First Lake Society). Cash/cheque donations can be sent to our PO Box 149 LCD, Lower Sackville, NS, B4C 2S8.

DONATE A BENCH: To donate a park bench and/or request a bench plaque please contact us for further information


                              Thank You to Our Supporters

Big hat’s off to Darryl Wilson, manager of the Sobeys First Lake Drive store for agreeing to supply grocery bags for our litter pickup dispenser program and to replenish the bags on a regular basis in the dispensers by the Kinsmen hall, at the park entrance on Kingfisher and on Glendale near Pinehill Dr. Thanks for your support.